Pages in Released Game Titles
BioShock Inf
Legend of t..
The Bureau:..
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Hellboy - T..
The Bureau: XCOM Declassified
I worked on this game for about 2 years as a level architect. During this period the game went through several changes. It has been completed by 2K Marin and was released in August 2013.
Official PageContent:
The Bureau is a third-person shooter with an emphasis on squad-based tactics. The player controls the agent William Carter and commands two additional agents in each mission. Carter has his own unique abilities, but other agents are divided into the Commando, Engineer, Support, and Recon classes. By entering "Battle Focus Mode", which slows time significantly, the player can order their agents to move to strategic positions and activate class-specific abilities. Agents have customizable outfits, weapons, equipment, and abilities...
2K Australia (including me) stopped working on this title about half way through the development.Here are some screenshots from levels that seemed to have survived and made it in the final game.