Table Of Content: Spline Tools Documentation

Table of Content
Table Of Content
3 Spline Tools
Mesh Def.
2A Generic BP
2B Gen Examples
1 Railings
Spl. T. Versions

[1] Railings Clone Blueprint Documentation

A blueprint that lets you create railings, fences or footpaths along a spline. Available on the Unreal Marketplace.


Overview Video

Main Mesh

First and Last Mesh


Auto Opening Gate

[Bug] Collision off mesh shape.

Overview Video

A brief feature overview. Most parts are self explanatory and easy to use.

There are 2 levels in the package. The 'overview' has all meshes placed in it. The 'showroom' has many examples on how to set up railings, fences or a footpath.

Read more

There are three parts that can be used to create the railing or fence.

Main mesh

If enabled this mesh module will be instanced along the spline between the optional first and last mesh.
Spline meshes can bend along the spline, like a footpath or a curved railing.

First and last mesh

If enabled these meshes will replace the main mesh at the start or end of the spline. It can be a full module or just a pole.


Optional poles can be placed independently from the main mesh or at every spot between mesh modules.


Main Mesh

> Main Meshes
Place Main Meshes true Enables main meshes
Use As Spline Meshes false this will enable Unreal's spline mesh feature that allows you to bend meshes along a spline. Meshes need to have enough sub divisions for them to be used with this feature. Any mesh with 'Spline' in the name will work. You will need extra spline points roughly 1-2 times the size of the spline mesh away from each other.
Mesh Overlap 0.0 Give the distance the meshes should overlap to fit. You can give negative values for gaps between meshes. You can type in any mesh distance greater than the slider allows you to set.
Mesh P_RailngW2 _Spline the main static mesh module.
Materials M_RailingsW1 _iOak the materials for this module. Add multiple elements if the mesh has multiple materials.
Placement Mode Auto fit meshes Select from the list
- Fill spline with unscaled meshes: fills as many meshes in as fit
- Auto fit meshes: places as many modules as fit and then scales them to fit exactly.
- By number of instances (unscaled): Places a given number of instances along the spline.
- By number of instances (scaled to fit): Scales a given number of instances to fit into spline length
- By manual distance and number: Places a given number of instances a given distance from each other. Scales the meshes.
Rotation Mode Default Rotation Select from the list
- Look at next instance: modules line up with the next module.
- Spline rotation: modules are rotated like the spline at their position.
- Default rotation: all modules have default rotation.
Mesh Orientation 0.0 degrees Correct the orientation of the module if required
Number of Instances* 1 Number of instances if Placement Mode requires this
Desired Distance* 79.641 Desired distance if Placement Mode requires this
Incremental Height Offset 0.0 For stairs. Increases the height incremental for each module
Calculated Number 6 For your information only. Cannot be modified
Calculated Distance 93.935 For your information only. Cannot be modified
Offsets 0.00 Offsets for Location, Rotation and Scale
SwitchXYSize false Use this if the width is longer than the length of this mesh and the module is rotated on the spline


First and Last Mesh

> First And Last Meshes
Place Unique First Mesh false Enables a unique first mesh placement
Position Offset First Mesh -10.0 Offsets the main meshes from the first mesh.
Place Unique Last Mesh false Enables a unique last mesh placement
Position Offset Last Mesh 6.0 Offsets the last mesh from the main meshes.
> Unique First Mesh
Static Mesh P_RailngW1 _Pole The mesh used as first mesh
Materials 0 Array elements Insert a material array if it is different to the main mesh material array. Then set 'Shared Materials' to false
Shared Materials true Will use main mesh materials if true
Orientation 0.0 degrees Correct the orientation of the mesh if required
AdditionalHeightOffset 0.0 An additional height offset. By default the mesh will get the height offset from the main mesh
Mirrored false You can mirror the mesh here in spline direction. For corner meshes.
AdditionalOffsets X 0.0 | Y 0.0 | Z 0.0 Additional offsets for Location, Rotation and Scale to the main offsets.
> Unique Last Mesh Settings for the Unique Last Mesh. See Unique First Mesh



> Poles
Place Main Meshes true Enables pole meshes
Position Offset Poles 0.0 Moves the poles along the spline.
Place First Pole true Places a pole at the start position of the spline
Position Offset First Pole 0.0 Moves the first pole along the spline. Can't move it passed start point.
Place Last Pole true Places a pole at the start position of the spline
Position Offset Last Pole 0.0 Moves the last pole along the spline. Can't move it passed end point.
Mesh P_RailngW1 _Pole The mesh used as poles
Materials 0 Array elements Insert a material array if it is different to the main mesh material array. Then set 'Shared Materials' to false
Shared Materials true If true the materials will be taken from the Main Mesh section
Pole Placement Mode Auto fit by number Select from the list
- Place at main mesh joints: Places poles on every joint of two main meshes.
- Auto fit by distance: places as many poles as fit by the given distance. Adjusts to distance evenly.
- Use fixed distance: Places poles with a fixed distance along the spline.
- Auto fit by number: Places a given number evenly over the spline length
- By manual distance and number: Places a given number of poles a given distance from each other.
Pole Rotation Mode Spline Rotation Select from the list
- Look at next instance: poles line up with the next module.
- Spline rotation: poles are rotated like the spline at their position.
- Default rotation: all poles have default rotation.
Pole Orientation 0.0 degrees Correct the orientation of the module if required
Number of Segments* 4 Number of Segments if Placement Mode requires this
Desired Pole Distance* 150.0 Desired distance if Placement Mode requires this
Pole Offsets 0.00 Offsets for Location, Rotation and Scale


Auto Opening Gate

> Gate
Auto Open true Enables gate to auto open when player approaches
Hinge on Right false Mirrors the gate
Initially Open false The gate will auto open when the app starts and wait for the player to pass through. Then it will auto open if the player approaches again.
Get Mesh P_WoodFenceA _100Gate The mesh used for the gate
Gate Materials 0 Array elements Replaces the materials per ID. First material is for ID=0, etc.
Has Frame true Weather to use the frame mesh
Frame Mesh P_WoodFenceA _100Frame The mesh used for the frame
Frame Materials 0 Array elements Replaces the materials per ID. First material is for ID=0, etc.
Desired Rotation -95.0 The angle the gate will open to
Gate Rotation Z 95.00 This is for non interactive gates. How far it is open.
Collision Box Scale X Y Z The collision box triggers the door when the player enters it. You can scale the box here. You can move the box by double clicking it or by selecting it in the component browser on top of the details panel.


[Bug] Collision off mesh shape.

Unfortunately the collision of most railings in the set 01 doesn't match the shape of the meshes. I have submitted an update where this is fixed.

If you encounter this problem and don't want to wait for the update you can easily fix the collision yourself.

  • Double click the mesh to open its property window.
  • Click the Collision icon and select 'Simple Collision' to show the current collision model(s)
  • If the collision is off then 'Remove Collision' in the collision menu.
  • 'Add Box Simplified Collision' will add a simple collision box. You can also try the '10 DOP X Simplified Collision'.
  • Don't forget to save the mesh

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