Spline Tools Documentation

Table of Content
Table Of Content
V4 Quick Guide
V4 Functions P1
V4 Functions 2
V3 Segments
V3 Mesh Def.
V3 Placements
V3 Quick Start
V2 Generic BP
V2 Examples
V1 Railings Fences
Ver History

V4 - Spline Tools Function Library - Part 1

BPL-SDotSplineTools contains the functions needed to create the blueprints in this project. The functions can be used in any blueprint within a project were the library is present.

Part 1 covers the essentials and Placement Nodes.


Create a New Spline Blueprint

Add a Spline Component

Blueprint parts

Placement Nodes

Mesh Placement Nodes

Placement / Segment Combo Nodes

Placement Points Array

Light Placement

Decal Placement

The library is in the content browser in

SplineTools_Railings / Bluerpints / Etc

The library doesn't need to be opened or modified.


Create a New Spline Blueprint

  • Click the [+ Add] button in the content browser
  • Select Blueprint Class
  • Select Actor

Name the new blueprint


Add a Spline Component

  • Click [+ Add] to add a new component to the blueprint
  • Start typing Spline
  • Click on Spline to add the new spline component


Blueprint parts

The blueprint needs to have at least one set of these parts:
  1. Placement Node - how many meshes will be placed on the spline
  2. Spline Segment - which part of the spline the mesh will be placed (next page)
  3. Spline Mesh - how each of the mesh will be placed and with which material (next page)

Blueprints can have more than one set of the three parts.

This example has a different railing mesh with an additional pole at the end.


Placement Nodes

Placement Nodes tell the blueprint how and where to place the spline meshes on the spline.
  1. Click on the white Exec or flow pin. Hold the mouse button while moving the mouse to the side.
  2. Start typing placement until the name of the placement appears
  3. Click on the placement name from the list


Placement nodes need to be connected to the purple Construction Script or another white Exec pin.

  1. Drag the Spline Component from the component list into the scene
  2. Connect the spline component variable to the Spline pin
  3. Connect a Spline Segment to the Segment pin. The Get Total Spline Length function node will give the entire spline length.
  4. Connect a Reference to Self node to the Target (Self) pin


Auto Placement

Mesh The Mesh to be placed
Materials The Materials to overwrite what is set in the mesh editor
Mesh Overlap + 1.0 will overlap two mesh placements by 1 unit
- 1.0 will leave a gap of 1 unit
Orientation Initial rotation of the mesh. Use to correct meshes facing sideways
Transform Offset, Rotation, Scale of the meshes
Scale To Fit The mesh will be scaled to fit the entire spline length
Rotation Type How to line up the meshes along the spline
Calculated Distance [ Info ] Displays the current scale or distance between placement points


Mesh Placement Nodes

Equal Size Placement

Division Type Division calculated by Amount or Mesh Size?
Division Amount Amount of meshes if Type is set to amount
Division Size Distance between placement points if Type is By Distance
Scale To Fit Distance will be scaled to cover the entire spline length
Place at Start / End Place mesh at first / last position

Manual Placement

Places an amount of meshes in a given distance from each other

Pole Placement

Uses the Placements Points Array from another placement node. Useful for placing Pole meshes.


Placement / Segment Combo Nodes

Technically these nodes are Segment Nodes. They also have a placement component

Spline Segment A N

This node places N meshes at the end of the spline segment and outputs the rest of the spline as Segment A Start to be used by another placement.

Spline Segment N A

This node places N meshes at the start of the spline segment and outputs the rest of the spline as Segment A End to be used by another placement.


Spline Mesh Placement

Places spline meshes onto the spline, like a continuous pathway.

Meshes need to have subdivisions where they can be bended. Keep the subdivisions equal in size.

Overlap will work like a scale as spline mesh placements do not overlap or leave a gap.


Placement Points Array

Some Placement nodes require a Placement array from another node. Or the placement arrray can be created with these nodes.

Create Placement Points

Creates placement points similar to the Equal Size Placement

Placement Frequency

Reduces the number of points entered on the left side.

A Frequency of 2 will output every other point. A Frequency of 3 will remove the 1st and 2nd point and only output every third placement point.


Light Placement

Adds an additional light to each mesh module. It uses the placement array of another placement node for positioning the lights.

Placements This placement type uses the Placement Points Array from another placement
Light Type Select the type of light
Light Transform The relative transform for the lights
Intensity Light Intensity in unreal light units
Light Color
Attenuation Radius
Color and radius of the light
Cone Angle Outer cone angle of spot lights
Rectangle Size 2D vector of rectangle light's size


Decal Placement

Allows to place decals along a spline. Decals project textures on objects in the scene. This placement uses the Placement Array of another placement for positioning.

The decal may project to the wrong side of the mesh if it seems to be black when it shouldn't be.

Placements This placement type uses the Placement Points Array from another placement
Decal Material a decal material that can be used with a decal actor
Decal Size the size of the decal projection
Projection Depth How far the decal actor projects
Decal Rotation The initial rotation of the projection
Random Offset/Rotation a value 10.0 will rotate or offset the decal by a random value between -10 to +10
Random Scale scaling of 1.1 will use a random value between 0.9 and 1.1

Decals haven't change much over the engine version. You should be able to use the documentation for any version of Unreal.

Decals - Unreal Engine Documentation

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