Table Of Content: UI3 Documentation

UI3 Overview
UI3 Get Started
3.1 Info Map
UI3 Edit & Info
UI3 Other BPs
UI3 Input Controls
3.1 Bugs Fixes

Table Of Content: UI3 Documentation

UI3 User Interface - Before March 2023

Documentation for ArchViz User Interface 3. Major Versions:

  • 3.2 - From April 2023 onwards. Modular Panel Design.
  • 3.1 - For all versions up to March 2023
  • UI3 - Those are more or less the same for all versions


UI3 Get Started

Get started with the UI3 in your own project.

Go through all of the steps to make the interface work with your project.

Try incognito mode in your browser if the images of the documentation do not match the text. Or clear your browser cache.


UI3 Info Map

The Info Map is where all your project data lives. Place one into your level. The UI will not work without an UI3 Info Map. Select the blueprint in the scene and enter all data as described below.

Do not change the blueprint itself in the content browser unless you permanently want to alter the design, or functionality, and you know what you are doing.


UI3 Edit And Object Info Modes

The Variation Actor is the connection between the UI3 and the objects that should be interactive in your scene and can

  • change meshes and or their materials
  • interact with any other blueprint using a blueprint interface

The Object Info can display information and the price of an object.


UI3 Other Blueprint Actors

Other useful blueprints in the UI3

This has been written for UI3.0 !


UI3 Input Controls / Game Modes

The Game Mode defines the type of game for the project. How to control it and what type of UI is used.

Some of the content here may be slightly different between versions.


UI3 Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ, Tips and tricks, or answers for frequent questions are here. Known bugs are on the next page.


UI3 Bugs And Fixes

Known Bugs and how to work around or fix them.

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