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Interactive Doors - Reference

This Reference covers all settings of the Interactive Door Blueprint.

Interactive Door Blueprint - Marketplace


General Settings

Opening Door

Custom Door and Frame Meshes

Handles and Hardware

General Settings

> General
Frame Type Select a frame style from the list
Door Size Select a size from the list. The letter in brackets indicates what actual mesh size is used.
Door Type Select a door style from the list.
Style X is a dummy style for custom repetively used doors
Door Mobility
  • Static: A door that doesn't move. Will bake lighting
  • Stationary: The door can move but keeps baked lighting
  • Mobile: The door can open and close
Flip Door This will flip the door so the handle is on the opposite side.
Is Double Door Will turn this into a double door.
Door Rotation (Location) How far a static door is opened. Set to 0.0 for movable doors.
Door 2 Rotation (Location) How far the 2nd static door is opened.

> Door and Frame
> Materials Door Add materials for the door
Index [0] Material for ID [0]
Glass Material Door A material for the seperate glass mesh
> Materials Frame Add materials for the frame
Index [0] Material for ID [0]
Frame Thickness Scale This will scale the frame (experimental)
Has Top Window Creates a window over the frame
Top Window Scale Z Adjust the height of the top window
> Materials Top Mesh (optional) materials here for the top window. If empty the frame materials will be used.
Glass Material Top Glass material for top window mesh.


Opening Door

> Opening Door
Auto Open The door will automaticly open when approached.
Requires the <i>Door Mobility</i> to be set to <b>Mobile</b>
Initially Open The door will open as soon as the walk through starts.
Open Both Doors Both doors of a <i>Double Door</i> are opening
Desired Opening Rotation
Opening Location
How far should the door rotate or slide?
> Collision Location Offset Changes the location of the wireframe collision box.
> Collision Scale Changes the size (scale) of the wireframe collision box.
> Advanced  
Desired Handle Rotation How far the handle rotates
Text Offset In
Text Offset Out
Adjust the position of the pop up text for non automatic doors.
Text Hint The pop up text.
Text Render Color The color of the pop up text.
Closing Sound The sound asset being played when the door closes
Opening Sound The sound asset being played when the door opens


Custom Door and Frame Meshes

> Custom Door Mesh
Use Custom Door Mesh Tick to use the mesh set below
Custom Door Mesh Add the door mesh
Custom Door Glass Mesh (optional) A custom glass mesh.
Earlier Nanite versions do not support translucent glass. Seperate the glass to allow Nanite for the main door mesh.
> Advanced  
Door Thickness Scale scales the door thickness
Door Rotation Correction Use to align the door with the frame
Use Scale And Offset Values Tick to enable auto positioning
Calculate Scale and Offset This attempts to scale and offset the door to fit into the frame
Custom Door Offset Door offset correction.
Custom Door Scale Door scale correction.

> Custom Frame Mesh
Use Custom Frame Mesh Tick to use the mesh set below
Custom Frame Mesh Add a frame mesh
Use Custom Top Mesh Tick to use a custom top mesh above the frame. <i>Use Top Frame</i> needs to be enabled as well.
Custom Top Mesh Add a top mesh
Custom Top Glass Mesh (optional) Add a seperate glass mesh
Door Frame Offset The offset between door and frame
Top Window Offset offset of the top window


Handles and Hardware

> Handles
Add Handle Inside Weather to add a handle inside. The door opens to the inside.
Add Handle Outside Weather to add a handle outside.
Add Handle Plate Inside Weather to add a handle plate to the handle inside.
Add Handle Plate Outside Weather to add a handle plate to the handle outside.
Add Lock Plates Weather to use additional lock plates.
Handle Mesh The mesh used for both handles if no entry handle is selected.
Handle Mesh Outside The mesh used for the outside (entry) handle.
> Materials Handles Add materials here to replace the existing materials for all handles and plates.
Index [0] material for index [0]
> Advanced  
Handle Height The height where the handles are placed from the floor.
Move Handle Outside This enables the movement of the handle set as the entry handle.
Handle Offset This is the offset from the handle to the door. Some handles don't have plates and need to be moved towards the door.
Handle Offset Outside Offset for the outside handle.
Handle Horizontal Offset The distance from the door edge is usually standard and depends on the hardware used. You may change this here for visual reasons.
Handle Vertical Offset Outside Sets the height position of the entry handle.

> Handle Plates
Add Handle Plate Inside Settings are accidently in the handles section
Weather to add a handle plate to the handle inside.
Add Handle Plate Outside Weather to add a handle plate to the handle outside.
Add Lock Plates Weather to use additional lock plates.
Plate Mesh The plate used to cover where the handle enters the door.
Lock Plate Mesh A lock plate is where you enter your key. Change it here if needed.
> Materials Plates Add materials here to replace the existing materials for all plates.
Index [0] material for index [0]
Lock Relative Height This changes the height of the additional lock mesh relative to the handle. Negative values will be below the handle and positive values above it.
Door 2 Has Lock Plates The 2nd door of a Double Door has Lock Plates.

> Other Hardware
> Materials Hardware An a material array element for each ID
Index [0] Material for ndex [0]
Add Hinges Weather to add hinges to door and frame
Hinges Door Mesh
Hinges Frame Mesh
The hinge meshes. There are a few options available in the same folder.
Add Shutter Weather to add shutter meshes to the door and frame.
Shutter Door Mesh
Shutter Frame Mesh
The meshes for the shutter
> Advanced  
Hinges Amount How many hinges should the door have? 2 or 3 is standard.
Edge Distance The distance from the top and bottom door edge to the hinges

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