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Interactive Door Blueprint - Overview

Overview of the 2024 version of the Interactive Door Blueprint. Available on the Marketplace.

You can update existing projects with this version without the need to change anything. Except if you are using Custom door or frame mesh replacements. Then you need to use a tick box to enable those instead of the option from drop- down list.

Interactive Door Blueprint - Marketplace


Door Blueprints

Frame Types

Door Sizes

Door Styles

Double Doors and Top Windows

Opening Door


Custom Door and Frame Meshes

Auto Fit Door


Custom Door Blueprint

Door Blueprints

There are 3 door blueprints in

MyProject / Content / DoorsBPV2 / Blueprints

  • BP_StandardDoor
  • BP_SlidingDoor
  • BP_BarnDoor

They have the same or very similar settings. They are using the same door meshes. Sliding doors have different frames and the Barn doors have no frame.

The blueprint BP_CustomDoor is meant for gates or doors that are non-architectural. It has different settings than the other 3.


Frame Types

Frame Type Select a frame style from the list
There are 4 frame types available from the drop-down list.
  • A - Standard works well with most doors
  • B - Modern is simple and works well with doors type A and D
  • C - Molded is traditional and works well with door types B and C
  • D - Modern works well with door type D but has not sliding door frames at the moment.

Type X is a spare slot.


Door Sizes

Door Size Select a size from the list.

The list of door sizes has the most common architectural sizes from Europe, US and Australia. Those sizes are the ones you'll find in drawings and most likely not the actual size of any of the meshes.

The actual door sizes used are in brackets

  • S - 720 x 2040 x 40 mm - (SH 720 x 2340)
  • M - 820 x 2040 x 40 mm - (MH 820 x 2340)
  • L - 920 x 2040 x 40 mm - (LH 920 x 2340)

Under The Hood

The size that is closest to the actual required size is chosen. Then the frame and door are slightly scaled to the required size. Hardware isn't scaled and is added afterwards. The scaling should be unnoticeable to anyone visiting or watching the scene.

NOTE: The letters in brackets should be changed to S and SH. Where S is door with the normal height 2040 and SH is slightly higher with 2340 mm. I'll update this soonish.


Door Styles

Door Type Select a door style from the list.

The list has 6 door types. 2 of them have glass: A 04 and B 05. You don't need to make any adjustments when you use one of these doors.

More doors can be found in the Meshes / Doors folder. They will need to be added manually to the door blueprint. More further down.


Double Doors and Top Windows

Flip Door This will mirror the blueprint, so the handle and the hinges are on the other side.
Is Double Door Ticking this box will turn the single door into a double door.

Double doors are available for Standard, Sliding, and Barn Doors.

Flipping the double door will work and can be used to move the opening door to the other side.

> Door and Frame
Has Top Frame Window Ticking this will add a top frame with a window above the door

This tick box will add a window to above the door. It works with Standard, Sliding, and Barn Doors. It works with single and double doors. Currently the frame is a standard style frame for all frame style options.


Opening Door

Door Mobility Movable

Set the door mobility to Mobile in the General settings to make the door movable. Single and Double Doors can be movable.

Auto Open Disable to get a prompt for the door to open manually

There are two types

  • Auto Open - This is the default and opens the door if a user enters the yellow collision box. It closes if the collision is left.
  • Manual Open - A prompt will appear to open the door. The door blueprint needs to be connected to the controller or with a blueprint interface. More in the FAQ section.



Materials are set in the Door and Frame section.

Frame and Door can have multiple material IDs. Array index [0] is for the first (or only) material, index [1] is for the 2nd material.

Earlier version of Nanite do not support translucency, like glass materials. Therefor the glass can be a separate mesh and can have a separate material (optional). The main mesh can be Nanite enabled, while the glass remains a standard mesh.

Handles, Plates and Other Hardware have their own material slots.

The meshes are mapped to support Quixel or other materials. The UV scale is set to 100 x 100 cm.


Custom Door and Frame Meshes

A few extra Door meshes are available in the Meshes folder. You can search for them in the content browser:
  • Select the Doors folder
  • Use the Static Mesh Filter from the filter icon
  • Type _M_ into the search bar to search for doors of the medium size M. _LH_ would search for large high door meshes.

There are a few Frame meshes for thicker walls available as well.


Put the door or frame mesh in their mesh slot and tick the box to Use Custom Door / Frame / Top Mesh to activate them.

Earlier versions of Nanite do not support translucent glass materials. The glass part can be split off into a separate mesh and the remaining main mesh can be Nanite enabled. This is optional.

There aren't many custom frame meshes available in the package. Frames in architecture need to be very specific. Most game door frames don't work for architectural projects. And to align the ones that would work is extremely difficult.

Library Customization


Auto Fit Door

Some door meshes can be auto fitted. This works best with doors from the DoorsBPV2 package that are not made for the chosen frame size. There is an example in the level, shown in the image, with a door that is upscaled to the higher frame. It can also for any other door.
  • Enable Use Custom Door mesh
  • Put the mesh into the Door Mesh slot
  • Use the Door Rotation Correction to align the mesh relative to the frame rotation if necessary
  • Enable Use Scale and Offset Values
  • Click on Calculate Scale and Offset

The Scale and Location Offset can be adjusted if necessary. The calculation will be incorrect if something "sticks out" from the door mesh, like attached handles. In this case you would need to manually correct the values.



Handles, Handle Plates, Hinges, and Shutter are automatically added to the door and frame meshes. Some handles are readily available in the project. There is also a small selection of replacements for the other hardware.


Interior Doors

Interior doors with both handles the same just need an entry for the Handle Mesh. They also need to have both handle tick boxes enabled.

They usually have handle plates. The handle moves when the door opens, so it is a good idea to separate the two.

Entry Doors

Entry doors have a different door handle on the outside usually. Add it to the Handle Mesh Outside slot.

They also often have a separate lock plate. You can add this in the next section. Both handle and lock plate can be positioned with variables in the Advanced section.

There are quite a few handle replacement meshes available in the project Content / DoorBPV2 / Meshes / Hardware / Handles and HandlesSliding

Refer to the Customization page for more info about external sourced handles.

Finally, replacements for the other hardware can be found in

Content / Meshes / Hardware / ..

  • Plates in a few styles and sizes
  • Lock Plates
  • 3 types of Hinges
  • Shutter

The number of hinges and their positioning can be set in the Advanced section

Find some general advice for using meshes from external sources on the Customization page.


Custom Door Blueprint

The BP_CustomDoor blueprint allows the use of any frame and mesh available from outside the DoorsBPV2 package. With a bit of practice, you can set up doors for gates or other less architectural applications.

It's a bonus blueprint, so don't expect wonders :)

Custom Doors Documentation.

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