ArchViz UI3 Documentation 2024-09

Table of Content
Table Of Content
Quick Guide
Video Guides
Getting Started
UI Settings
UI Layout
Widget Panels
F. w. Preview
Variation Actor
Cost Tracking
Data Tables
CSV Export
Scene Settings
VR projects
Connect BP
Fix Known Bugs
Version History

Getting Started With UI3

How to get started with the UI3 in your own project:

Purchase, Installation of the Demo Project, and Migration to your project.


Video Tutorial

Get UI3 from Epics Marketplace, Versions

Migrate the UI3 to your project

Input Controls

Place a Player Start

Project Settings


Post Process Volume

World Settings

Level Structure

Info Map Blueprint

Video Tutorial

The Video Tutorials show in detail how to create a project from the start. The series isn't quite up to date with the latest UI3 version.

Video 1 and 2 are about creating a project and migrating the interface to it.

Video Tutorial Playlist

Get UI3 from Epics Marketplace, Versions

Purchase the UI3 from the Marketplace or FAB. The product will then appear in your Vault.

Updates are free, and the project should be available in future Unreal Engine versions. Ownership will be transferred from Marketplace to FAB.

UI3 on the Marketplace

From the VAULT click on the yellow button to create the Demo Project. The latest version will be downloaded, which can take a while.

Make sure you are using the correct engine version. The source projects are created for

  • Unreal Engine 4.26
  • Unreal Engine 5.0
  • Unreal Engine 5.3

Not every major engine version release requires to update the demo project. You can use the next lower version. For example 5.4 would be the same as 5.3, so no need to create a 5.4 version if you already have the 5.3 version installed.


Migrate the UI3 to your project

To use the UI3 you can
  • create new level(s) in the demo project
  • migrate UI3 to your own project.

If you decide to migrate, you can migrate the folder

  • ArchVizUI_V3, which contains the UI plus the demo scene
  • UI within the ArchVizUI_3 folder which only contains the UI.

Right click the folder and choose to migrate. Select the Content folder in the target project.

Do not just copy the folder using the windows explorer!

Some selected assets don't have a corresponding
content root in the destination.

Click [ NO ] if you get this or a similar message. Add the required Plugins later instead.


Input Controls

The UI now uses Enhanced Input Method:
  • September 2024: all Unreal 5 versions
  • June 2024: Unreal 5.3 and later

The input actions are in the folder ArchVizUI_V3/UI/Etc/Input.

You may have to enable Enhance input in older projects.

Project Settings / Input / Advanced / Class Defaults

In earlier version copy the file Config/DefaultInput.ini from the demo project to the Config folder of your new project. The input controls are stored in this file. An editor restart may be required.


Place a Player Start

Add a player start to the main (persistent) level of the scene, at the position where the player should start when the app starts.

Place a Blocking Volume under the player start so the player doesn't fall through the floor in case the level geometry isn't loaded yet.


Project Settings

Many settings are already set through the project template you did choose when you created the project. You can make changes at any time later.

You have to set a few things in the Project Settings depending on what kind of lighting you are going to use. Lumen would be the default choice for most projects.

Unreal has a very good online documentation. Be careful what you change in the project settings. You may crash the project next time you load it.

Settings are stored in the /Config folder of your project. You can reset everything by renaming that folder to /Config.old.

Setting Up Your Project | Unreal Documentation



The following plugins should be installed in your project even if you don't intend to use them:
  • Enhanced Input - controls input actions from keyboard or gamepad
  • Sun Position Calculator - Accurate sun positioning for geo location
  • OpenXR - standard used for VR headsets. - You may need a different one.

Packaging will fail if these plugins are missing.


Post Process Volume

There needs to be at least one post process volume in the scene. Many render settings need to be set there. Set the Volume Settings to Infinite Extend (Unbound)

Specific areas can have additional Volumes with a higher priority. Settings in this volume will overwrite settings in the volume with the lower priority. Infinite Extend would need to be disabled for the additional volumes.

The image shows my preferred settings for Unreal Engine 5.4. I still prefer ray-traced translucency without refraction over the Lumen translucency.

Increased quality will always reduce performance.


World Settings

Open the World Settings and choose the Game Mode Override for your project. Currently 4 modes are available:
  • SDotUI3_GameModeKeyboard for keyboard and mouse control. Optional mouse only controls available.
  • SDotUI3_GameModeTouch for touch screen support.
  • SDotUI3_GameModeGamepad for using an XBOX gamepad or other controllers.
  • SDotUI3_GameModeVR for VR projects with a 3D interface in front of the player. VIVE and Oculus Touch controllers are set to be used.

This will set the Character and Game Controller blueprints for the current scene. Click the link below for more details about the different game modes.

In case you prefer Static Lighting I recommend these Lightmass settings:

  • Static Lighting Level Scale = 0.75
  • Indirect Lighting Quality = 1.25
  • Num indirect lighting bounces = 5
  • Num sky light bounces = 3

More details about Game Modes


Level Structure

Persistent Level

Every scene has to have at least one level which is commonly called the Persistent Level. I recommend to have just the Player Start and the Post Process and Blocking Volumes and (if needed) the Lightmass Importance Volume in it.

Sub Levels

Sub Levels are like layers that separate content from each other (furniture, building parts, details), make working in the scene easier, and allow multiple people to work on the same project.

They are added to the persistent level in the Level Browser and can be set to

  • Streaming from within the UI (blue dot next to it)
  • Always loaded (no blue dot)

Scenario Levels

Originally, they were introduced to store the entire lighting information in one level. This made baked lighting changes possible.

They can also be used for layout changes. They will be added later through the UI and can be set invisible in the level browser to make working with multiple layouts easier.


Info Map Blueprint

The blueprint BP_UI3InfoMap needs to be placed in the main (persistent) level or any other level that doesn't stream.

Most settings for the UI are stored in this blueprint. You'll need to have it in the level weather you want to use the interactive floorplan widget or not. You can use a blank white texture if you don't have a floorplan image.

Floorplan drawings can be added in the Floorplan section.

Floorplan Scale Manually scale the floorplan here. This makes sure that the XY ratio stays intact.
> Floors or Units Use the (+) icon to add floors or units.
Floorplan Drawings have to be black on white background
Height Offset start with the lowest floor and add the height offset from that level to each additional floor above.

Use Transform to align the location and the rotation.

Location Move the floorplan roughly to the correct position
Rotation Use the Z rotation to align the floorplan to the building
Scale Do not change the scale

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