ArchViz UI3 Documentation 2024-09

Table of Content
Table Of Content
UI3 Quick Guide
UI3 Get Started
UI3 Design
UI3 Layout Design
UI3 Features
UI3 Preview Ft.
UI3 Designer
UI3 Variations
UI3 Cost
UI3 Scene Settings
UI3 Other BPs
UI3 Input&Mode
UI3 VR projects
UI3 Connect
UI3 Fix Bugs
UI3 Vers History

UI3 - Scene Settings

Scene Settings affect the quality and performance of the scene.

They also control the movement of the player character and the player camera control.


Settings and Sliders

Cinematic Camera Feature

Other Settings Features

Sun Sky - Sun Positioning

Additional Settings - Camera

Additional Settings - Game

Settings and Sliders

Settings are set with sliders. The Default Value of the slider is what is loaded when the application starts. Therefor the game settings are set with the default values of all the sliders.

The settings are applied no matter if the slider is visible in the UI or not.

Every slider has a reset button (top right).

>index [ n ] ID of the slider
Name The name of the slider.
Default Value The default that is loaded loaded when the app starts.
Min | Max Value The min and max (range) of the slider
Stepping Gamepad and other controller stepping per button press
is Large Slider Weather this slider is large or standard


Cinematic Camera Feature

> Settings - Cinematic Camera
Focal Distance Manual Focus when Auto Focus is turned off
Field of View The Zoom of the camera. 90 is default in Unreal.
Camera Height Distance from the floor, or eye height.
Aperture The lense aperture. Set to a very low value for cinematic effects
Depth Of Field Seems to have no effect
Take Screenshot Button Takes a screenshot with the resolution set in the Info Map
Auto Focus Button Toggles auto focus on or off
Tilt Button Removes any tilt from the camera rotation. Use this in combination with the Field Of View and Camera Height to have some sort of tilt correction for screenshots.


Other Settings Features

> Settings - Dynamic Sky
Solar Time 17.5 is at 5.30 pm
Month 1 - 12
Day 1 - 30 for every month
Speed This will start the sun to loop through the sky if the vlaue is greater than 0.0
> Settings - Player Camera
Turn Rate The speed the camera is turning
Max View Angle Up Restricts the angle the player can look up
Max View Angle Down Restricts the angle the player can look down.
> Settings - Player Movement
Walk Speed The speed of the user walking
Min Drone Speed The initial speed of the drone
Max Drone Speed The max speed the drone can fly
Acceleration Multiplyer The factor the drone is speeding up during flight
Deceleration Sets the deceleration (breaking) of the drone
> Settings - Scene Quality
Screen Scale Will scale the pixel density down to increase performance.
Quality Overall quality of the scene. High should be good for most cases. Lower values will increase performance
Anti Aliasing AA can be set here independently from the overall Quality.
Resolution Change the resolution here and hit Apply Resolution to actually change the screen resolution
Apply Resolution Applies the selected resolution.
Window Mode Weather the scene runs in a window or in full screen mode
Apply Default Resolution Sets the screen resolution back to the monitors default resolution
Note: Some of the game settings will not work proper in the editor but work fine in a packaged or stand alone game


Sun Sky - Sun Positioning

The SunSky actor provides accurate sun positioning. Set the Location data of the scene's location and use the North Offset to align the north direction with the floorplan.

Architectural drawings of the parcel usually have north pointed straight upwards. Floor plans have should have a compass on it.

The Date and Time can be set here but will be overwritten in game with the default slider settings. Best to keep values in sync.


Additional Settings - Camera

If you wonder where the default settings went - they are now set within the slider value arrays.

Orbital Camera is a camera on a boom that circles around the player. It can be used to have a fixed camera that can rotate around outside of a building.

Currently there is no switch between Orbital and standard camera while playing.

The mouse wheel can zoom in and out, and the mouse wheel button resets the zoom.


Additional Settings - Game

Game settings will only work in a stand alone or a packaged version of the app. They don't work in play in editor windows.

Resolution has some common resolutions pre-set. Set min / max index for the slider range. This is only useful for PC applications. The resolution slider is hidden in VR games.

A better way to reduce the resolutions is with the Screen Scale slider.

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