ArchViz UI3 Documentation 2024-09

Table of Content
Table Of Content
Quick Guide
Video Guides
Getting Started
UI Settings
UI Layout
Widget Panels
F. w. Preview
Variation Actor
Cost Tracking
Data Tables
CSV Export
Scene Settings
VR projects
Connect BP
Fix Known Bugs
Version History


The Designer shows objects and their variations in a table like widget. Its intended use is to modify:

  • Objects in the Scene that are in multiple locations or difficult to select
  • External blueprint tools like the Modular Kitchen Builder or the Interactive Doors


Desinger Quick Guide

Adding a Designer

Designer Settings

Designer Elements

Designer and Layout Scenarios

Element Choices

Designer To Variation Actor Link

Designer To Blueprint Link

Desinger Quick Guide

This YouTube Video is a quick guide about the Designer, how it works and in what cases it is meant to be used.

Adding a Designer

Designers are created by adding an element to the Designers array. Click (+) to a new array element.

Every array element contains the information for a separate designer widget. Use the element index as Feature ID in the Main Menu Layout.

The size of the icons and the widget width can be adjusted. The widget width can't be larger than the max width set in UI Panel Design.


Designer Settings

Designer Header appears at the top of the widget.

There are two Target Actor Types

  • Variation Actor - UI3 Variation blueprint actor
  • External Actor - A blueprint actor not part of UI3


Designer Elements

Every Design Element represents a row in the Designer widget.

The Tag name is what links the Target Actor with the Designer Element. Linked Variation Actors need to be set to Link To Designer

Target Actor Overwrite overwrites the Target type set for the Designer

  • None (from Designer) - no override
  • Variation Actor, Using Choices - The Element uses the Designer Choices array
  • Variation Actor, Receiving Details - The Element uses the Variation Details array in the Variation actor


Designer and Layout Scenarios

The kitchen, for example has two variation sub levels with different layout and different costs.

The Designer needs to receive the updated Details from the Variation actors in the current layout level to track the cost correctly. Every kitchen layout sub level needs its own set of Variation actors.


Element Choices

Choices are added to the Design Choices array.

The index of the choice is sent, and the target actor changes the variation to that ID.

Design Choices in the infomap and Variation Details in the Variation Actor are compatible and can be copied between the two actors.

Current Name and Price appear in front of the Element row.

Create preview icons with an Icon Texture and a tint color. Icons are in UI / Tex / Design

The Price is multiplied by the value set in Unit (amount) .


Designer To Variation Actor Link

Variation Actor and Designer are linked by having the same Tag name.

The Variation Actor Type needs to be set to

  • Link To Designer

UI3 Variation Actor


Variation Details = Designer Choices

The Design Choices and the Variation Details arrays use the same structure. The settings can be copied between the Designer and the Variation Actors.


Designer To Blueprint Link

The Designer works well with external blueprints:
  • Modular Kitchen Builder
  • Interactive Doors Blueprint

They can be linked by adding the blueprint interface BPI_UI3_Interaction to their swap actors.

On the Designer side, only the Tag and the Variation Details need to be added. The Target Actor Type is External Actor.

Connect UI3 To External Blueprints

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